Automating that "Other" Operating System: Chef State-of-the-Union on Windows
Julian Dunn - Monday, February 2 14:00-14:40 - B.4.039
At ConfigMgmtCamp 2014, Julian presented a talk with tips & tricks on using Chef on Windows. A great deal has changed in the intervening year. This is a refreshed "state-of-the-union" for automating Windows, and what lies ahead for Chef on this platform.
Slides are available on slideshare.
About Julian Dunn
Julian is an engineering product manager at Chef & started his career at Chef in professional services. His first experience with Chef was in operations at SecondMarket, a New-York based alternative markets startup. He has fifteen years of systems administration & software development experience at outfits large and small. When he's not helping customers, he enjoys good craft beer, indie music, and writing biographies about himself in the third person.