Ansible from metal to container

Toshaan Bharvani @toshywoshy toshywoshy

B.1.017 - Monday 4th February 2019 - 15:00 → 15:55

This presentation show how you can use Ansible to setup a complete datacenter from the metal to a fully functional datacenter.
The idea is to bootstrap a datacenter from a single laptop and configure all possible components through your configuration management tools.
In my presentation I will show how to use Ansible to orchestrate as many components of a datacenter as possible, going from baremetal machines, network switches, to more commonly virtual machines, sdn, sds, and other infrastructure.

Speaker Info

Toshaan Bharvani

Toshaan Bharvani is a IT consultant, currently self-employed at VanTosh, with a interest in Open Source Software and IT Hardware.
He started his IT interest at a very early age, when his father gave him his first own PC components.
Ever since he has been interested in IT hardware and software.
In business, he tends to combine higher level applications with lower level systems.
Toshaan has been involved for some time now in some open source projects and communities.