Mgmt Config: Advanced demos and internals for hackers

James 'purpleidea' Shubin @purpleidea purpleidea

B.3.019 - Monday 4th February 2019 - 16:30 → 17:25

Mgmt is a real-time automation tool that is fast and safe.
We try and take a fresh look at existing automation problems.

This presentation will briefly introduce the tool and spend most of the time presenting and demoing some advanced and/or complicated features and use cases in the project.
While we’re certain the audience will have experienced these sorts of difficult problems before, we hope they will appreciate our more elegant solutions.

We’ll also dive into some of the internals of the project for new contributors who want to peer into the core code.
We’ll also discuss some of the shortcomings in the current implementation and discuss future improvements.
Finally we’ll talk about some of the future designs we’re planning and make it easy for new users to get involved and help shape the project.

Speaker Info

James 'purpleidea' Shubin

James is a DevOps/Config mgmt. hacker and physiologist from Montreal, Canada.
He often goes by @purpleidea on the internet, and writes “The Technical Blog of James”.
He works on a Next Generation Config Management project that he started called mgmt.
He studied Physiology at university and sometimes likes to talk about cardiology.