The Unexpected (Infrastructure Management) Journey

Mihaela Drumeva @micky_geeky

D.AUD - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 14:00 → 14:55

What is it like to start new in infrastructure management land coming from development/qa/release background?

  • How do you wrap your head into infrastructure as code when all you cared before was if your code compiles?
  • How do software development techniques translate to infrastructure management?

I started my first job as an operations engineer 18 months ago and I had all of those questions and many more.
Coming from development background the transition into a more ops role and a DevOps team has been a fascinating journey.
I’d like to share the lessons I learned along the way and encourage more people to blur the traditional lines.

Speaker Info

My name is Mihaela Drumeva, Micky for short and my passion is all things automation! As well as my day job as an operations engineer my main area of interest is in enhancing and automating new and exiting processes to increase productivity, confidence and quality.

I recently organised Devopsdays Edinburgh and I’m passionate about building strong and diverse tech communities.