Managing Debian / Ubuntu hosts with Katello (incl. Errata)

Bernhard Suttner @_sBernhard

B.4.039 - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 15:00 → 15:25

In this presentation I will show you how to manage Debian/Ubuntu hosts with Katello.
Last year we at ATIX AG spent a lot of time improving support for Debian-based operating systems.
With these changes it is possible to fully manage Debian / Ubuntu hosts - including package installation from content views and managing package updates using Errata.

Note that we are currently working hard to add changes to the upstream Katello project.
Therefore some changes are only available as github pull request.

Speaker Info

Bernhard Suttner

Bernhard Suttner is leading the software development team of ATIX AG - a company near Munich, Germany.
He is working on the Foreman / Katello based product orcharhino. In this role he is actively involved in many open source projects.