Benefits of taking the less traveled road

Eduard Iacoboaia

B.CON - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 17:30 → 17:55

After almost a year of running Openshift Origin in production we decided to migrate to a vanilla Kubernetes setup and during this phase we had to take some hard decisions:

    • we focused our approach on control: we switched from using the tools provided by the community, like ansible or kops, to writing puppet manifests;
    • we challenged the necessity of some features: this allowed us to simplify the setup, reuse tooling/systems from bare-metal infra and have directly addressable pods;
    • we focused on monitoring and observability: we defined relevant SLOs and wrote custom probes (unit and integration tests) verifying the user experience.

This talk shows the reasons, benefits and some of implementation details of these decisions.

Speaker Info

Eduard Iacoboaia

Eduard is a Senior Systems Administrator working for more than 5 years at During the first years he worked on several teams, some of them managing infrastructure for more than a hundred services. Since then, his team built and went through two iterations of’s container based infrastructure for web services, learning and improving the design each time, adjusting the scope and scale.

Eduard is passionate about open source software, likes to physically hack on things (ranging from wood to arduino), and plays tennis when he has time.