Three years of automating large scale networks using Salt

Mircea Ulinic @mirceaulinic

B.4.042 - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 17:30 → 17:55

Cloudflare started its automation efforts using Salt about three years ago.
We have since open sourced many components, fixes and features in collaboration with other networks.
Salt is now one of the most widely-adopted open-source automating frameworks within the network community.
Already well known to the system community, Salt has reached its maturity on the network automation side as well.
Today, Salt natively provides integrations with well-known open-source libraries and tools, including: NAPALM, NetBox, Netmiko, Junos PyEZ (junos-eznc), Arista pyeapi, CiscoConfParse, as well as features for PeeringDB, and many others.
In this talk, we’ll take a look back at the progress, changes and the evolution over the past years, as well as a brief look at potential future features.

Speaker Info

Mircea Ulinic