Vox Pupuli - The Community behind Puppet

Alexander Fisher alexjfisher

B.1.015 - Tuesday 5th February 2019 - 15:30 → 15:55

Vox Pupuli is a group of more than 120 puppet module/tooling/documentation authors, all working together to ensure a continuing development process.
In 2016 we elected our first Project Management Committee with one of its goals being to include Vox Pupuli as an official project under the Software Conservancy and to guide the community.
We do not only provide a home for every orphaned puppet module; we also offer proper tooling and automation for every interested developer.
Some of the most frequently used puppet modules (zabbix, collectd, archive, yum, nginx) are managed by us.
Vox Pupuli is in the Top 10 of the most frequent Puppet Forge release groups.
Have a look at our funny journey of hunting broken gems and changing upstream software!
We invite everybody to participate. We will get into the details of what Vox Pupuli is, how you can interact/contribute/benefit.
We will tell you some stories, funny and sad, about all the bugs we’ve discovered in the Puppet and Ruby ecosystem!

Speaker Info

Alex works as a freelance Linux infrastruture engineer in the South West of England. He has been specialising in helping companies with their Puppet and Foreman adoption for over 4 years. Soon he’ll start a new project helping a company migrate from Puppet 2.8, (and might talk about those challenges next year)! Recently reelected to serve on the Vox Pupuli Project Management Committee, he’s looking forward to helping more people become involved with the fantastic community we have got.