Multi-cloud and on-prem Kubernetes with Object Oriented Operations

Mark Shuttleworth @sabdfl

- Wednesday 6th February 2019 - 10:00 → 13:00

A deep dive into K8s operations, scaling, upgrades and integration across public clouds, VMware, OpenStack and bare metal, by Mark Shuttleworth and Calvin Hartwell.

Calvin leads field engineering and delivery in EMEA for Canonical, helping companies deploy and operate OpenStack and Kubernetes efficiently at scale. Mark leads Ubuntu.

Kubernetes is central to future automation and operations at the application layer across multiple cloud environments. It is an open community that is expanding very rapidly to embrace new capabilities and integrate with new services. That makes it challenging to operate efficiently, because the pace of change, the scale, and the complexity of user requirements all combine to make it difficult to keep up especially when one is trying to do it in a multi-cloud world taking advantage of the unique features in each public cloud.

Calvin and Mark will work through the details of deploying Kubernetes, integrating it with various company systems, integrating it with cloud-specific LBAAS and identity, scaling it, and upgrading it.

By the end of the tutorial you should be confident to deploy K8s in multiple different on-prem or cloud environments, taking advantage of sophisticated features, and offering your own CAAS to customers and users with high availability and a guarantee of free upgrades as and when they want them.

Speaker Info

Mark Shuttleworth

Mark Shuttleworth is global leader in open source and venture philanthropy. He is CEO of Canonical, which delivers open source infrastructure, applications and related services to the global technology market. He is founder of Ubuntu and benefactor of the Shuttleworth Foundation which underwrites pioneering work at the intersection of technology and society. Previously, he founded Thawte, a global leader in cryptographic security and identity, and participated in ISS mission TM-34. He studied finance and information systems at the University of Cape Town, and orbital ballistics in Zvyozdny Gorodok.