
6 and 7 February 2017

Gent, Belgium

Merging Technologies, ideas on using CFEngine with cloud and container technologies

Jurica Borozan - Tuesday, February 7, 14:40 - 15:20 - B3.036

When architecting computer systems, questions like “how to group resources”, “how to distinguish them”, “how to replicate them”, “how to change their purpose”, “how to keep them convergent”, “how to orchestrate them”, etc. will surface and they must be answered. Using configuration management system or framework for managing computer systems is self explanatory. Merging such system with cloud and container technologies opens new possibilities but also brings new challenges too. CFEngine with provided features and possibilities, its portability and small requirements on computing resources, qualifies to be deployed even inside containers. This talk describes and evaluates different approaches of usage of such tool to achieve optimal performance, flexibility and simplicity of preparing and maintaining computer systems on modern IT infrastructure resources. It will focus on implementation using extended CFEngine policy update procedure.

Presentation slide deck.

About Speaker

Jurica Borozan is senior software engineer with many years of experience in software development and deployment using various tools and platforms, open source as well as proprietary ones. Last few years his focus was on automated software and system deployment possibilities and options to enable transition to cloud and container technologies. He developed update concept by extending standard CFEngine master library update procedure, that enables easier way of deployment and management of computer systems.